Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Field Trip #1

Our first field trip to the MoMA was an interesting one. Let me start off by saying it wasn't anything like I expected. I thought it was going to be a bunch of boring art but boy, was I wrong. For my individual art piece, I chose a piece by Mark Bradford from 2007 named "Giant". It was a bunch of torn pieces of newspaper put onto canvas. From the sounds of it, it sounds kind of lame but it also had a bunch of colors and almost a theme to it. It almost reminded me of spiderman web's!

For cultural identity, I chose an Andrea Zittel work from 2011 called "Old Red Under-panel". The whole picture was a pattern, which almost reminded me of an Aztec or Indian work of art. After researching, I learned that she was from a Mexican-based part of California which would explain the background of the picture.
Last, I chose a Gerhard Heufler work from 2006 titled "Camcopter S-100 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle". You don't even see it at first until you see it and after that you're caught staring because it's quite amazing. I chose this for historical identity because this was a helicopter designed for aerial use in Vienna specializing in the de-mining in the 1970's. They also used it for border and harbor patrol and surveillance. Over all, all 3 of these works really spoke to me and that's why I feel they're important enough to choose out of the whole museum. Even though they don't have stories that go with them, just looking at them, you can see a story unfold.

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